Celebrate our DSPs by Saying THANKS!

Let’s all say THANK YOU to our DSPs!

September 9th – 15th is Direct Support Professionals (DSP) Recognition Week!

Ontario ARC is joining The Arc New York in saying thank you to our Direct Support Professionals, and we need your help!

Help us shine a light on the incredible work our Direct Support Professionals are doing every day by submitting a thank you letter to a DSP!

Write Your Letter

Is there a Direct Support Professional who you feel insures that your loved one is taking advantage of each and every opportunity presented to them?
One who has gone above and beyond? One who gives you peace of mind?
One who has made your loved one feel part of their community?
Write a letter expressing your gratitude!

Submit Your Letter to Us

The letters can be typed out digitally or hand written (photographed or scanned).  Please submit your letter to Jenna Turetsky at jturetsky@ontarioarc.org by the end of the day on Tuesday, September 4th.

We’ll Take it From There!

We’ll share your note with the DSP and with The Arc New York! Letters will be posted on social media throughout the month of September by the NY Alliance in partnership with the bFair2DirectCare Coalition as well as The Arc New York!

Submit your Letter

Ontario ARC